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Colon treatment, liver treatment therapy

À La Clinique Digestive Montreal

Digestive Health Experts Diarrhea, Constipation and More


Thanks to our treatments, avoid repeated digestion problems


Keep your peace of mind with 100% natural treatments


Feeling of lightness from the first treatment

Discover our services

At La Clinique Digestive, we offer a wide range of wellness services, from colon cleansing to liver cleansing to massage therapy. We are committed to helping our clients feel better in body and mind through personalized treatments tailored to their needs. We use top quality disposable speculum kits, inlet and outlet tubing. Each client has a disposable gown, underpad, towel and slippers.

How do you know if you have intestinal toxic substances?

Characteristics of the presence of toxic substances in the colon are malaise, decreased immunity, runny nose, headache, back pain, constipation, fatigue, bad breath, body odor , fatigue, bloating, depression, sciatic nerve pain, etc.

Colon treatment – 150$/session

The main purpose of colon treatment is to get rid of accumulated toxins and wastes in the body in order to strengthen the immune system and fight viruses.
It can also help eliminate diverticula. Although colon cleansing is often used before medical procedures such as colonoscopy, alternative medicine also performs it for detoxification purposes.

The benefits of colon cleansing:

Eliminates toxic waste and compacted fecal matter: leading to healthier bowel function and better nutrient absorption.

Stimulates peristaltic activity and muscle tone of the colon for natural evacuation: which allows natural and healthy evacuation of waste.

Normalizes Gut Immune Function: The colon makes up a large portion of the body’s immune tissues, and colon cleansing can help normalize their function.

Stimulates the reflex connections of the colon: cleansing the colon has a positive effect on the whole body.

DILUTE TOXINS AND ACTIVATE CELL METABOLISM: By absorbing clean water during colon cleansing, the toxins present in the intestinal tissue can be diluted, which can activate cell metabolism.

Improves blood circulation in certain internal organs: The pulsating jet of hot water used during the colon cleansing session can improve the prostate, uterus and kidneys.

Liver treatment – 150$/session

Before considering a liver flush, it is important to cleanse the colon first. The liver, weighing 3 kg, is the second most important organ in our body, as it is responsible for filtering toxins in our blood and thoughts, thanks to the gallbladder.

What is the purpose of colonic irrigation?

Materials accumulated in the colon, such as compacted feces, fecal stones, dead tissue cells, mucus, and parasites, can cause discomfort. These waste products are toxic and enter the bloodstream, causing illness, fatigue and weakness. In addition, compaction reduces the ability of the intestine to absorb minerals and vitamins produced by good bacteria. Accumulation on the walls of the intestine weakens muscle contraction, slows the passage of food, leads to constipation and ultimately to disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

After treatment, special preparation is required, which includes taking half a cup of magnesium milk at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on the same day, as well as taking magnesium. You may experience symptoms such as diarrhea. At 10 p.m., mix lemon and olive oil and drink the entire mixture while standing. The next morning at 6 a.m., drink magnesium milk again and follow a strict diet avoiding meats and dairy products.

How it works ?

We explain to you how a colon treatment session takes place at La Clinique Digestiv.

At the end of each treatment, we provide our clients with a probiotic to improve their gut health. Upon request, we also offer insurance for their peace of mind. We are always available to answer our clients’ questions after the treatment and are happy to see them if necessary. Our clinic’s primary goal is to prevent colon cancer rather than to cure the body. Instead, we focus on strengthening our clients’ immune systems to help them better fight viruses and maintain good gut health.
When we welcome our clients for the first time at La Clinique Digestive, our goal is to determine which treatments best suit their needs. It is important for us to understand the ailments affecting our clients so that we can provide the best treatments. Therefore, during the first appointment, we ask questions to get to know our clients better and give them the necessary information to prepare for their session.
The process of colon or liver cleansing involves injecting water into the rectum using a specially designed device. This water, retained in the intestine, helps dislodge everything, including stool, mucus, and toxins, even in the smallest crevices. The liquid and waste are then evacuated through a “closed system” without any unpleasant odor. The device used for this cleansing allows for adjusting the temperature, pressure, and amount of water needed for the treatment according to the targeted organ. No preparation is necessary for a colon hydrotherapy session. Since it is not a surgical procedure, you do not need to fast or empty your bowels (colon hydrotherapy will take care of that!). During the colon session, the therapist will massage your abdomen, so it is preferable not to eat or drink much in the two hours preceding your treatment. Additionally, if you have a bowel movement before coming to the clinic, it will help the therapist accomplish more during the session.

Discover The digestive clinic and its team of experts

Our clinic is made up of a team of highly qualified experts in the field of natural medicine.  Other members of the Digestive Clinic include Cynthia Jabre, our massage therapist, and Svetlana Babaian, our HR coordinator.

All members of our team continue to enrich their knowledge by obtaining new Canadian certifications.

Our clinic emphasizes the prevention of colon cancer and the strengthening of the immune system, which are fundamental principles that we apply in our practice. In case of health problems, it is essential to consult your family doctor or go to the hospital, because our clinic mainly focuses on prevention and not on cure


Qualified, certified and experienced staff take care of you.

Follow up

Your meetings are fully personalized and regular follow-up is offered.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Your treatment and your follow-ups are done in complete privacy, in the comfort of our facilities. In addition, no personal information will be disclosed.
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Cleaning of the colon + massage

Regular price 240$
199 $
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4 Colonics

Regular price 549$
449 $
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4 Massages

Regular price 400$
300 $
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